Best Free Medical Apps For Doctors & Patients
A Journey of Illness TO Wellness
Step-1(At Illness)
Best free medical apps for doctor & Patients mostly use in USA. Patient should have a Symptoms checker which Included, Age, Gender, weight ,blood pressure, pulse, temperature, respiratory rate ,blood sugar random or fasting, conscious level, any problem in urination (e.g) urine color ,loose stool or constipation or any blood in stool, any blood total cholesterol, renal function test, liver function test, past clinical history, medicines if taking for some disease, Skin colors, any swelling on feet, hands, or swelling around the eyes, Pain any part of the body ,tenderness etc. psychological tests. Currently Coronavirus situation symptoms must include about COVID-19 symptoms also.
Best Medical Apps For Patients
App Name | Usage | Country in which mostly used | Price |
Ada – your health companion | Symptoms Checker | USA | Free |
Ada – your health companion | Symptoms Checker | USA | Free |
WebMD: Symptoms, Rx, & Doctors | Symptoms Checker | USA | Free |
Symptomate – Symptom checker | Symptoms Checker | USA | Free |
K Health | Telehealth & AI Symptom Checker | Symptoms Checker | USA | Free |
COVID Symptom Study | Symptoms Checker | USA | Free |
Symptom Tracker & Medicine, Health Symptoms Diary | Symptoms Checker | USA | Free |
🇺🇸Diagnosis Medical App | Symptoms Checker | USA | Free |
Healthily by Your.MD – Self-Care & Health Journal | Symptoms Checker | USA | Free |
Bearable – Symptoms & Mood tracker | Symptoms Checker | USA | Free |
mySymptoms Food Diary & Symptom Tracker (Lite) | Symptoms Checker | USA | Free |
UpToDate | Symptoms Checker | USA | Free |
Sharecare: Health & Well-being | Symptoms Checker | USA | Free |
Step-2(Choosing a right doctor according to illness)
Patients Need
Patients need to choose the right specialty according to his/her illness to save money & time. They can choose a right doctor by a good and complete symptoms checker tool.

Best Free Medical apps for Patients
App Name | Usage | Country in which mostly used | Price |
BetterDoctor | Find a doctor | USA | Free |
ZocDoc | helps patients schedule an appointment | USA | Free |
Sherpaa | provide real-time medical advice | USA | Free |
FollowMyHealth Mobile | Symptoms Checker & appointment & bill payment | USA | Free |
Doctor On Demand | Online Doctor Consultation | USA | Free |
HealthTap | Online Doctor Consultation | USA | Free |
LiveHealth Online | Online Doctor Consultation | USA | Free |
Pager | Online Doctor Consultation | USA | Free |
Amwell | Online Doctor Consultation | USA | Free |
Dispatch Health | emergency home health care service | USA | Free |
SkyMD: See a Doctor Now | Online dermatologist | USA | Free |
FairCare | provide cost of care | USA | Free |
Step-3(At hospital/clinic)
Doctor & Other Health Professionals Need
A patient gets a visit to the doctor the doctor needs some app to diagnose and make a treatment plan.
e.g Dosage calculator, Drug interaction ,indications checker, measuring the dose of IV fluids, Laboratory investigation checker, an accurate diagnosis tool.
Doctors should have an app to create a multispecialty group. In which they can discuss about a patient that has multiple diseases.
Doctors & other health professionals need an app that provides a facility to collect and save all patient informative data. Patient Data should be available for download, enabling them to access their medical records by smartphone or does allow physicians and other staff to view test results and medical history

Best apps for Doctors & Other Health Professionals
App Name | Usage | Country in which mostly used | Price |
Isabel | helping doctors get to the right diagnosis | USA | Free |
Medscape | medications and dosing guidelines for health professionals | USA | Free |
Know My Patient | patient information for nurses | USA | Free |
Nursing Central | Drugs & Medical terminology | USA | Free |
Patient IO | Communication among health professionals | USA | Free |
referralMD | referral network communication between primary care physicians and specialists | USA | Free |
The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy | provide real-time medical advice | USA | Free |
Touch Surgery | For surgical trainees to Prepare for surgical cases or learn new procedures | USA | Free |
Twine | Twine helps clinicians provide continuous care to chronically ill patients through their devices, | USA | Free |
Burnout Proof | For how to handle stress and feelings of burnout in healthcare settings. | USA | Free |
CareConnect | pediatric-specific telemedicine app | USA | Free |
Docphin | Multispecialist communication | USA | Free |
Epocrates | Medical reference app | USA | Free |
Everseat | Making healthcare appointments | USA | Free |
Formulary Search | up-to-date Medicare formularies and more than 6,000 U.S. health plans, | USA | Free |
Virta | Treatment plan for Type 2 diabetes | USA | Free |
Dermatology Atlas & Skin Infections | For diagnosing skin diseases | USA | Free |
Dermatology Made Easy | To learn Dermatology | USA | Free |
IDdx: Infectious Disease Queries | matching infectious diseases by picking disease search criteria. | USA | Free |
AAP Red Book | Pediatric diagnosis | USA | $124.99 |
Nelsons,Pediatric Antimicrobial,Therapy | Pediatric diagnosis | USA | $29.99 |
Lexi-Drugs | All informations about drugs, | USA | $75.00/year |
Johns Hopkins Abx Guide | Medical Evidence-based recommendations | USA | $29.99/year |
ECG Heart Rate Calculator | To read ECG | USA | Free |
Anesthesiology pocketcards | clinical reference & dosage information necessary for the anesthesiologist’s environment. | USA | $4.99 |
Drug Infusion | For calculation of Drug Infusion | USA | Free |
Mediquations | Medical Calculator | USA | $4.99 |
DynaMed | Diagnostic tool for physicians | USA | Free |
Gynecology and Obstetrics | Gynecology and Obstetrics diagnosis | USA | Free |
Step-4(After hospitalization/clinic)
Patients & Doctors Need
After hospitalization or going back from clinic when a patient goes back home, the most important thing is communication between doctor and patient.
They need an app to make communication easy. That app may include patient’s treating history, all investigation, daily vital signs, intake output monitoring charts that are accessible for doctors.
Patient Data should be available for download, enabling them to access their medical records by smartphone or tablet, it does allow patients to communicate with their physicians, view test results and medical history, manage appointments, upload health and fitness data and pay bills also.
Patient need an app to get information about medicines e.g how to take a medicines before or after meal ,timing etc
Patients need an app that provide facility for home nursing care for nursing procedures.
Patients need an app that provides diet plans.
Patients need an app that guides them about physical therapy.
Patients need an app for demanding health care staff like nurses, caregiver for minor procedures

Best Free Medical apps for Doctors & Patients
App Name | Usage | Country in which mostly used | Price |
HealthLoop | Doctor & patient communication | USA | Free |
Human Dx | Keeping Patient record | USA | Free |
Figure 1 | keeping Patient record | Canada | Free |
Healow | keeping Patient record | USA | Free |
Medigram | Communication between doctor and patient | USA | Free |
Medisafe | Medicines reminder | USA | Free |
MyChart | keeping Patient record | USA | Free |
PediaQ | Home medical care | USA | Free |
PillPack | Medicines Home delivery | USA | Free |
Post Discharge Treatment and Readmission Predictor | Advised on discharge | USA | Free |
RevUp | Advised on discharge | USA | Free |
Teladoc | YouPlus mobile app provides daily lifestyle coaching to make healthy living easier. | USA | Free |
AskMD | personal health history portal | USA | Free |
Blue Star | FDA-cleared mobile app for type 2 diabetes patients | USA | Free |
CareZone | Patient record keeper | USA | Free |
OB Wheel (Pregnancy calculator) | Pregnancy due date calculator | USA | Free |
Pregnancy Wheel | Pregnancy Wheel is an app used to calculate the dates of delivery | USA | Free |
Lifesum – Diet Plan, Macro Calculator & Food Diary | Diet plans | USA | Free |
MTBC PHR | Personal Health Record | USA | Free |
Pain Therapy: Exercise Videos | Physical Therapy | USA | $2.99 |
SeamlessMD | Doctor & patient communication | USA | Free |
TapCloud Health | Amie is a virtual surgical assistant who supports patients with real-time instructions and guidance to help prepare for surgery and recover properly. | USA | Free |
I have searched many free medical application but I did not find a single application that provides all remote medical facilities to a patient.
A journey of illness to wellness requires a comprehensive medical app that provides all the needs of patients & health care staff is not available yet.
There is a gap and we can fill it by making such comprehensive apps that fulfill the needs of patients and health professionals.
We should work for the following suggestions to make a free medical apps
1-We should create a symptoms checker that include all patients need (mentioned in step-1).We should design a Symptom checker we must keep in mind the symptoms of COVID-19
2-We should choose a doctor for patient’s illness
3-We should know about the use of medicines e.g timing, before or after meal, drug interactions
4-We should avoid communication gaps between doctor & patient (Med app will make communication between doctor & patient in the form of daily monitoring charts)
5-We should keep a proper record of patient medical diagnosis history & investigation
6-We should create a multispecialty group to discuss a patient that has multiple diseases.
7-We should provide different medical calculator for health professionals
8-App may be used for hospitals/clinics or any institution also. but all have access according to their need.
9-App must include instructions about infection control awareness
10-App include instructions for pre & post surgical procedures
11-App must provide a secure data method for the privacy of patients.
12.We should include preventive measures for diseases and infections
13. Apps should provide a check list of all aspects to monitor health on a regular basis before illness.